Press and Communications

Media support

The press team provides advice and support to judicial office-holders on interview bids, misreporting of cases, the handling of potentially controversial issues, and any other media issues.

Operating a 24/7 service so it can respond to media interest as it arises, the team also anticipates wherever possible high profile and controversial issues and prepares statements and responses in advance, involving the relevant members of the judiciary.

The press team draws the media’s attention to significant judgments, speeches and statements, providing written or electronic copies when available.

Further information:

Judicial Press Office

Press Office: 020 7073 4852
Out of hours pager: 07623 514943 (Please note new number that replaces the earlier one from Friday 29 March 2018)
E-mail: Press enquiries

Corporate Communications

The team is responsible for developing and maintaining the following main channels of communications:

  • intranets – the judicial intranet (including managing judicial subscriptions, providing technical support to users and sending out regular alerts) and the Judicial Office intranet
  • websites – including the public-facing Judiciary of England and Wales website
  • publications – typesetting and arranging the printing and publication of judicial and Judicial Office publications.

It also advises other organisations and Government departments on the best way to communicate with the judiciary. The team’s aims are to make sure that knowledge is transmitted and shared effectively across the judiciary and to prevent the judiciary from being deluged with communications from all sides.

Contact: Website enquiries