Alternative Dispute Resolution


Following a recommendation made in the Civil Justice Council’s November 2018 Report on ADR the Master of the Rolls created the Judicial ADR Liaison Committee.

Record of Meetings


Chair – Lady Justice Sarah Asplin
Deputy Chair and Civil Justice Council Member – William Wood QC
Academic and Civil Justice Council Member – Andrew Higgins
ACAS – Tony Cooper
Bar Council – Spenser Hilliard
CEDR – James South
CIArb – Lewis Johnston
CILEx – David Isbister
Circuit Judge –  HHJ Sarah Watson
Circuit Judge (Family) HHJ Robin Rowland
Circuit Judge (Family) HHJ Stephanie Cope
CMC – Henrietta Jackson-Stops
Consumer Representative and Civil Justice Council Member – Elisabeth Davies
District Judge – DJ Shirley Hennessy
District Judge – DJ Richard Lumb
Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service – Rosemary Rand and Faye Whates
Law Society of England and Wales – Nick Parker
Master – Master Julia Clark
Ministry of Justice – David Parkin
Ministry of Justice – Isobel Clarke
Iain Christie
Ombudsman – Judith Turner
Private Secretary to the Master of the Rolls – Sam Allan
ProMediate – Peter Causton
Tribunal Judge – Judge Fiona Monk, President of the FTT (War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Chamber)
Tribunal Judge – Regional Employment Judge Lorna Findlay
Tribunal Judge – Judge Siobhan McGrath, President of the FTT (Property Chamber)

Terms of Reference

The Committee is intended to provide the judiciary, the ADR community and the professions with a dedicated forum for the discussion and the exchange of information about the role of ADR in the civil justice system, including tribunals.
The Committee will consider and advise the Judges’ Council, Lord Chief Justice, Senior President of Tribunals and Master of the Rolls as appropriate in relation to:

  • The encouragement of the use of ADR: The Committee will consider the Civil Procedure Rules and the encouragement of ADR in case management at all levels of the civil justice system
  • The awareness of ADR as well as issues of public legal education.  The Committee will consider particularly the awareness of ADR within the judiciary and the professions in the context of Codes of Conduct, professional education and training, continuing professional development and law faculties
  • The availability of ADR: the Committee will consider whether proportionate and efficient ADR processes are being, or can be, made available for cases of different levels of value and different subject matters, and to all litigants, including those who are unrepresented and those may not be able to afford to pay a mediator
  • The adaptation of ADR to new developments the civil justice system: the Committee will consider how ADR should be adapted so as to play a proper part in developing areas of civil justice.  Current examples are the development of the online court and the new small claims personal injury jurisdiction
  • The interaction of ADR and public legal education with other policy, or practical developments in the field such as; the findings and the recommendations of the Interim and Final reports of the ADR Working Group of the Civil Justice Council.

The Committee will report at least annually on its work to the Judges’ Council and Judicial Executive Board.