On these web pages you will find lots of information about the Employment Tribunals. We hope you find the information useful, whether you are a litigant, representative, member of the legal profession, or simply curious about the way in which the Employment Tribunals operate.

You can click on the links below to explore further. The best place to start is the section About the Employment Tribunals (Scotland).

Please note that the Employment Tribunals are an independent judicial body and cannot give you legal advice. You can read more about sources of advice in the External Advice section.

About the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

For more information on what the Employment Tribunals (Scotland) are, the cases they decide, and how they run

Rules, Directions and Guidance for the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

Information about the processes and procedures used by the Tribunals

Decisions of the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

Read more about the decisions of the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

Future hearings

Lists of future hearings for the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

Employment Tribunals (Scotland) Judges

Details of the Judges who sit in the Employment Tribunals (Scotland).

Before the Hearing

What you need to know before a hearing in the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)

At the Hearing

Information about what to expect at an Employment Tribunals (Scotland) hearing

After the Hearing

What you need to know following an Employment Tribunals (Scotland) hearing

Further information

Find out more about external advice and user group minutes

Contact details

Find out how to contact the Employment Tribunals (Scotland)