Better Case Management

CriminalPractice Guidance

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Better Case Management (BCM) links certain key complementary initiatives, which together should improve the way cases are processed through the system, for the benefit of all concerned within the criminal justice system (CJS). BCM will undoubtedly evolve given the considerable changes that are currently taking place within criminal justice.

BCM forms part of the implementation of Sir Brian Leveson’s report Review of Efficiency in Criminal Proceedings; indeed, it is based on the overarching principles or themes of the Review:

  • Getting it Right First Time
  • Case Ownership
  • Duty of Direct Engagement
  • Consistent judicial case management

The overarching aims of BCM are:

  • Robust case management
  • Reduced number of hearings
  • Maximum participation and engagement from every participant within the system
  • Efficient compliance with the Criminal Procedure Rules; Practice and Court Directions.

BCM supports Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ).

BCM introduces two major case management initiatives:

  1. A uniform national Early Guilty Plea scheme (EGP); and
  2. Crown Court Disclosure in document-heavy cases.