Chief Coroner’s Annual Report 2016-17

Chief CoronerCoroners' courtReports

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This report covers the Chief Coroner’s work in 2016-17. It represents His Honour Sir Peter Thornton QC’s final report as Chief Coroner (he retired on 30 September 2016) as well as the first 6 months of His Honour Judge Mark Lucraft QC’s term as Chief Coroner. The report details the operation of the coroner service following the suite of coroner reforms implemented in July 2013 under the 2009 Act and Rules and Regulations underpinning it.

In particular the Chief Coroner’s report sets out:

  • progress in promoting consistency in coroner practices across England and Wales
  • guidance for coroners and the training he has facilitated for coroners and their officers, supported by stakeholder events for local authorities and bereavement support organisations
  • positive developments
  • issues of concern
  • recommendations to improve coroner services further