Transforming Summary Justice and Better Case Management – small steps can produce big benefits

Magistrates' court

In respect of TSJ magistrates have recently been provided with a revised two pager “essentials” guide to improve their understanding and consistent application of the case management provisions set out in the Criminal Procedure Rules.

For BCM the Defence Toolkit has also recently been updated. It was developed with the help of people from all parts of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) including the police, CPS, court staff, the judiciary and the defence and contains practical advice and guidance for practitioners with the aim ensuring that justice is open, fair and timely.

The success of TSJ and BCM relies on everyone in the CJS playing their part. By implementing the principles set out in the guidance and toolkit, cases can be progressed in a just manner which also ensures that there are fewer wasted resources and where appropriate they are disposed of more quickly.

Please take the time to familiarise yourself with both sets of guidance which sets out the steps that should be taken to improve the way cases are progressed through the CJS to the benefit of everyone concerned. The guidance (opens in a new tab)and toolkit (opens in a new tab) includes information on:

  • Robust case management
  • Reducing the number of hearings
  • Maximising participation and engagement from every participant within the system
  • Efficient compliance with the Criminal Procedure Rules; Practice and Court Directions.