SXD -v- London Borough of Croydon (anonymity order)

Administrative CourtQueen's Bench DivisionAnonymity Order

Case No: CO/2172/2022

In the High Court of Justice
Queen’s Bench Division
Administrative Court

16 June 2022


The Honourable Mr Justice Wall


The Queen on the application of


London Borough of Croydon

On an application by the Applicant for urgent consideration of his application for interim relief
Following consideration of the documents lodged by the Claimant

ORDER by the Honourable Wall, Mr Justice

1. The Claimant is to be referred to as SXD. No document is to reveal his name or details which might allow others to identify him.
2. The application to suspend the eviction is refused.
3. The further applications for interim relief are to be placed before a judge for consideration on paper once the Acknowledgment of Service has been filed or the time for service has passed.
4. Costs reserved.


1. The application to suspend the proposed eviction is to be made to the relevant County Court and not to this court.
2. The evidence before me is that the Applicant has been able to stay with other people since May when he considered it unsafe to return to his home. There is no evidence that this situation cannot continue. It is not an ideal situation but the length of time over which it has been happening and the relatively short time before this case can be considered properly following service of the Acknowledgment of Service leads me to conclude that an urgent order requiring action by the Defendant is inappropriate.
3. I have made an order for anonymity based on the scant information I have before me. It can and should be reconsidered by the Judge who next deals with the case.