Latest news from the Civil Justice Council

31 August 2022

The Civil Justice Council is holding three events on costs ahead of the closure of its consultation on 30 September. Find details and register by clicking the date/time below:

1 August 2022

The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce the appointments of four new members (external link) for an initial term of three years:

  • James Walker – Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) member
  • John Sorabji – Barrister member
  • Kate Pasfield – Legal aid member
  • Natalie Byrom – Analysis, information architecture, econometrics member

30 June 2022

The Civil Justice Council is consulting on costs. The consultation will run until Friday 30 September 2022 at 12pm. Details of the consultation can be found online here (opens in a new tab).

20 June 2022

The Civil Justice Council will shortly be launching a consultation on costs. As part of that work, the working group  is holding a conference on costs on 13 July 2022 between 9.45am and 4.45pm. The conference will be held in person in Central London. Register your interest online (external link). Please note that registering your interest does not guarantee you a place at the conference, as places are limited.

Sessions during the day will cover:

  • Costs under pre-action protocols/portals and the digital justice system
  • Costs budgeting
  • Guideline hourly rates
  • Consequences of the extension of fixed recoverable costs
  • Impact of civil costs changes to other parts of the justice system

12 April 2022

In March 2022 the CJC responded to a MoJ consultation on the Singapore Convention on Mediation (PDF, opens in a new tab)

8 April 2022

The 2021 annual report is now available (PDF, opens in a new tab)

28 January 2022

The CJC’s report on small claims has now been finalised – read the report online (opens in a new tab).

20 January 2022

In January, the CJC responded to a MOJ consultation on Housing legal aid: the way forward (external link, opens in a new tab). Read the Council’s response (PDF, opens in a new tab).

17 January 2022

Watch videos of the CJC’s 10th National Forum on access to justice for those without means, which took place in December 2021. The full story and videos are online.

21 December 2021

The CJC’s Interim Report on pre-action protocols is open for consultation. The consultation will be extended for four weeks and will close on Friday 21 January 2022.

22 November 2021

The Civil Justice Council’s 10th National Forum on access to justice for those without means will take place at Central Hall, Westminster and online on Friday 10 December 2021 8:40am to 4:30pm. Further details and how to register can be found on Eventbrite (opens in a new tab).

15 November 2021

Update: The CJC’s consultation on Pre-Action Protocols will be extended for four weeks. The consultation will close on Friday 21 January 2022.

15 October 2021

The CJC has published its Business Plan June – December 2021 (PDF, opens in a new tab)

2 September 2021

The 2019-2020 annual report is now available (PDF, opens in a new tab).

30 July 2021

The Civil Justice Council has published its final report on guideline hourly rates

12 July 2021

The Civil Justice Council has published a report (PDF, opens in a new tab) concluding that compulsory ADR is lawful. The full story can be read online (opens in a new tab).

18 June 2021

In April 2021, the CJC responded to a MoJ consultation on Judicial Review (PDF, opens in a new tab).

7 June 2021

The Civil Justice Council are pleased to announce the reappointment of the following members (external link, opens in a new tab) for an additional term of three years:

  • Jo Hickman – Solicitor member
  • Andrew Parker – Insurer member
  • Ian Karet – Another field of civil justice member

And the reappointment of the following member for an additional term of 18 months:

  • William Wood QC – ADR provider member

3 June 2021

CJC publishes interim report on The Resolution of Small Claims (PDF, opens in a new tab).

24 May 2021

The Civil Justice Council is looking to recruit five new members. The deadline for applications (external link, opens in a new tab) is 11 June 2021 at 12 noon. The vacancies are for those with the following qualifications/skills/experience in relation to civil justice:

  • A barrister
  • Analysis, information architecture, econometrics
  • Digital technologies, information technology
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Other areas of expertise relevant to civil justice.

9 February 2021

In December 2020, the CJC responded to a MoJ consultation (PDF, opens in a new tab) to align fees for online and paper civil money and possession claims.

29 January 2021

Watch videos of the CJC’s 9th National Forum on access to justice for those without means which took place in December 2020.

8 January 2021
Consultation on Guideline Hourly Rates – open until 31 March 2021 (opens in a new tab)

18 December 2020
CJC publishes final report on low value personal injury claims

30 November 2020

The Civil Justice Council’s ninth annual National Forum on access to justice for those without means will take place online on Friday 11 December 2020 between 8.30am to 4.30pm. Details of the event can be found on Eventbrite.

27 October 2020

Civil Justice Council reviewing guideline hourly rates

27 October 2020

Civil Justice Council launches review of Pre-action Protocols

8 October 2020

Civil Justice Council report highlights serious issues with how the civil courts respond to anti-social behaviour

5 June 2020

Civil Justice Council report on the impact of COVID-19 on civil court users published

7 May 2020

As part of the Civil Justice Council’s rapid review of the impact of COVID-19 measures on the civil justice system, a virtual consultation meeting will take place on Monday 11 May 2020, between 5-6pm.

24 February 2020

Civil Justice Council: 8th National Forum on Access to Justice for those without means

20 February 2020

Civil Justice Council proposes better assistance for vulnerable witnesses

5 November 2019

The Civil Justice Council are pleased to announce the reappointment of the following members (external link, opens in a new tab) for an additional term of three years:

  • Diane Astin – Another field of civil justice member
  • Nicola Critchley – Insurance member
  • Matthew Smerdon – Lay member

And the reappointment of the following member for an additional term of one year:

  • Ian Karet – Another field of civil justice member

14 October 2019

New report on Fixed Recoverable Costs in Lower Value Clinical Negligence Claims

New report on Boundary Disputes

3 September 2019

Consultation paper launched – Vulnerable witnesses and parties. Responses to be submitted by Friday 11 October 2019.

8 March 2019

The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce the appointment of District Judge Judy Gibson for a three year term.

24 January 2019

The Civil Justice Council are pleased to announce the appointments of the following five members for three year terms;

  • Andrew Higgins – Academic Member
  • Nick Hanning – CILEx Member
  • Elisabeth Davies – Consumer Advice Member
  • Martin Barnes – Lay Advice Member
  • Rhodri William QC – Welsh Interests Member

4 December 2018
New report on Alternative Dispute Resolution (opens in a new tab)

2 November 2018
Property Chamber Deployment Project (opens in a new tab)
A working group on property disputes was established by the Civil Justice Council in 2015 to consider whether access to justice in property disputes could be improved by the deployment of judges to sit concurrently in courts and tribunals. Following a pilot, Siobhan McGrath, Property Chamber President, has now published a proposal and recommendations to amend the Civil Procedure Rules and the First-tier Tribunal Procedure (Property Chamber) to reflect this. This report sets out justifications for the proposal, the types of cases suitable for the proposals and the practical implications.

7 August 2018
CJC response to the MOJ LASPO Pt.2 Post Implementation Review
This relates to the reforms to civil litigation funding and costs in Part 2 of LASPO Act taking forward Sir Rupert Jackson’s recommendations. Please note this is not the response to the LASPO Part 1 (Legal Aid) review, which will be undertaken separately.

26 July 2018
Note of seminar held on 29 June 2018 regarding the Post-Implementation Review for Part II of the LASPO Act 2012

15 June 2018
Member Vacancies – the closing date has been extended. The CJC are presently recruiting for the following members:

  • Consumer Advice Member
  • Lay Advice Member
  • CILEx Member
  • Academic Member
  • Welsh Member

For more information on any of these vacancies and instructions on how to apply.
Closing date for applications has been extended to Friday 29 June 2018

15 June 2018
CJC response to the call for evidence: Commission on Justice in Wales

6 June 2018
CJC commissioned report on Assisted Digital and additional information
Commissioned by the CJC, Catrina Denvir and UCL’s Centre for Access to Justice have produced a research report to examine the Assisted Digital Service needs that may arise as a result of the digitisation of the Court and Tribunal services. The report is intended to inform Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals (HMCTS) and to provide greater insight into the digital capabilities of those users who are likely to come into contact with these systems.

3 May 2018
CJC response to HMCTS consultation regarding Fit for the Future: Transforming the Court and Tribunal Estate

26 February 2018
CJC response to the Ministry of Justice consultation on Default County Court Judgments

15 February 2018
Clinical Negligence Fixed Costs Working Group
Civil Justice Council Working Group

6 February 2018
CJC Consultation on ADR
A selection of submissions received from the CJC ADR consultation.

28 November 2017
CJC publish report on ‘Before The Event’ legal expenses insurance
An expert working group of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) has published a comprehensive report on Before The Event (BTE) legal expenses insurance.

17 October 2017
CJC invite submissions on the future role of ADR in Civil Justice
An expert working group of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) has published a comprehensive interim report on the existing role and potential future role of ADR (alternate dispute resolution) in civil justice in England and Wales.

The CJC is now seeking written submissions on the findings and recommendations of the report, ahead of organising a seminar at which the proposals can be discussed and a final report prepared and submitted to the Government for consideration.

16 October 2017
Appointments – the CJC is pleased to announce two appointments and two reappointments to the Council.
The new appointments are Jo Hickman, Director of the Public Law Project (joining as the new solicitor member) and Gareth Hughes (as the new business representative).

The reappointments are Andrew Parker and William Wood QC, who have new three year terms to continue making an important contribution to the work of the Council.

29 September 2017

Deputy Chair
Mr Justice Peter Coulson has been appointed as Deputy Chair of the CJC, in succession to Lord Justice Briggs (who has been appointed to the UK Supreme Court) with effect from 2nd October 2017. Mr Justice Coulson is the Deputy Head of Civil Justice-Designate, and takes on the role formally when he takes up his appointment to the Court of Appeal in March 2018.

18 September 2017
CJC response to the DCLG consultation on: Tackling Unfair Practices in the Leasehold Market

6 September 2017
Establishing fixed costs and better procedures for noise claims: Final report of the CJC working party published. A working group of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) has published a report making recommendations for fixed recoverable costs and improvements to claims management in noise-induced hearing loss cases.

30 August 2017
CJC Response to the Civil Procedure Rule Committee consultation on Enforcement of Suspended Orders – Alignment of Procedures in the County Court and High Court.

9 May 2017
CJC Response to Department of Health Consultation – Introducing Fixed Recoverable Costs in Lower Value Clinical Negligence claims

9 May 2017
CJC Response to Ministry of Justice Consultation: Legal Aid financial eligibility and Universal Credit

24 February 2017
The CJC has set up a Civil Litigation Review Working Group, Before the Event Insurance (BTE), chaired by Prof. Rachael Mulheron. BTE Working Group membership.

27 January 2017
Summary of the CJC’s Fifth National Forum on Access to Justice for Litigants in Person, 2 December 2016.

9 January 2017
The closing date for all applications for the Business and Solicitor Member competition has been extended to midday Friday 20 January 2017

6 January 2017
CJC response to MoJ consultation paper: Reforming the Soft Tissue Injury (‘Whiplash’) Claims Process

7 December 2016
CJC response to BEIS consultation – Small Business Commissioner : Policy for Secondary Legislation

6 December 2016
Note of CJC workshop held on 7 July 2016 regarding Extending the Small Claims Court Limited for PI Claims

5 December 2016
Appointments – the CJC is pleased to announce the appointments of Diane Astin and Ian Karet for 3 years and the reappointment of Matthew Smerdon for a further 3 year term.

24 November 2016
The Council is currently seeking to recruit 1 Business Member and 1 Solicitor Member
Closing date for all applications is 6 January 2017

10 November 2016
CJC response to MoJ consultation paper: Transforming our Justice System

12 September 2016
CJC Response to MOJ Consultation – Reform of judicial Review: Request for further views on the provision of financial information to other parties

12 September 2016
CJC response to Department for Transport consultation – Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and automated vehicle technologies (AVT) supporting their use in the UK

1 August 2016
Today, the Civil Justice Council has published a report on concurrent expert evidence and hot-tubbing, and its use in English litigation. The report was produced by a working group under the chairmanship of Professor Rachael Mulheron, and with Maura McIntosh as deputy chair.

CJC Report: Concurrent Expert Evidence & ‘Hot-Tubbing’ in English Litigation since the ‘Jackson Reforms’

15 July 2016
– the CJC is pleased to announce the appointments of Orlando Fraser QC as a barrister member, Nicola Critchley as an insurance member and Kay Carberry CBE as a employee Interest member.

30 June 2016
CJC Report: The Scope of Qualified One-way Costs Shifting – further issues for consideration

15 June 2016
– the CJC is pleased to announce the appointment of HH Judge Barry Cotter as the Circuit Judge member of the Council. HHJ Cotter is the Designated Civil Judge for Devon and Cornwall.

15 June 2016
CJC response: Reforming the Courts’ Approach to McKenzie Friends

31 May 2016
CJC response to Defendants Duty of Candour and Disclosure in Judicial Review Proceedings

25 May 2016
Note of points raised in discussion on Fixed Recoverable Costs
The CJC held a small workshop in March 2016 for practitioners drawn from a range of civil justice bodies and users to discuss the possible extension of fixed recoverable costs (FRC). This was arranged in the light of increased Government interest in the topic and a lecture by Lord Justice Jackson in January 2016. The purpose of the workshop was to highlight and discuss some of the practical issues which would need to be addressed in developing a broader based FRC regime. Discussion included examining the approach to be taken to the structure of the system and safeguards that should be provided for. The CJC stands ready to assist the government on any future developments on this topic.

18 May 2016
Final Interim Report of the CJC Working Group on Property Disputes in the Courts and Tribunals dated May 2016.
The report makes a series of recommendations for the use of flexible judicial deployment in certain categories of property case with the aim of being able to hear and make a decision on a set of facts leading to a particular claim together, without different parts of that claim having to be heard separately and a different times by the county court and the First-tier Tribunal. Members of the Working Group are available online.

9 May 2016
CJC Diversity Plan

4 May 2016
New CJC working group: Civil Litigation Review Working Group
A new CJC working group has been set up to consider and review a series of discrete topics relating to civil litigation.

7 April 2016
CJC response to consultation on proposals to reform fees for grants of probate

7 April 2016
CJC ODR Advisory Group response to Lord Justice Briggs Report
On behalf of the Online Dispute Resolution Advisory Group of the Civil Justice Council.

29 March 2016
CJC response to the Interim Report for the Civil Courts Structure Review (CCSR).

11 February 2016
The Council is currently seeking to recruit up to five new members:
• A barrister member;
• A member able to represent the interests of employees;
• A member able to represent the views of the insurance industry;
• Two members able to offer experience and expertise in another field of civil justice

Closing date for all applications is 11 April 2016.

22 January 2016
CJC response to the further Civil Procedure Rule Committee consultation on a Pre Action Protocol for Debt Claims.

13 January 2016
The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce that The Hon Mr Justice Robin Knowles CBE has been appointed as a CJC member for a three year term from 4 January 2016 as the High Court Judge member of the Civil Justice Council.

18 December 2015
Summary of Fourth CJC’s National Forum on Access to Justice for Litigants in Person held on 4th December 2015

17 December 2015
CJC response to MoJ consultation paper: Costs protection in Environmental cases

13 November 2015
The Civil Justice Council Annual Report 2014 – 2015 is now available.

19 October 2015
CJC Response to consultation on proposals on the provision of court and tribunal estate in England and Wales

25 September 2015
The CJC has set up a new working group to make recommendations to the Government on how the handling of claims for noise-induced hearing loss might be improved, including how a fixed costs regime for those cases might work.

22 September 2015
CJC Response to Ministry of Justice Consultation: Consultation on further fee proposals

22 September 2015
CJC Response to Ministry of Justice Consultation: Reform of judicial Review: Proposals for the provision and use of financial information.

2 September 2015
CJC response to the BIS consultation Enterprise Bill – A Small Business Commissioner

2 September 2015
The Civil Justice Council (CJC) has today published a report on Damages-Based Agreements (DBAs). The Damages-Based Agreements Reform Project: Drafting and Policy Issues sets out a number of recommendations designed to make the statutory regime relating to DBAs simpler and clearer, in order to assist lawyers and their clients who are considering the use of that method of funding.

22 June 2015
The Civil Justice Council (CJC) has set up a working group on property disputes chaired by Siobhan McGrath, President of the Property Chamber of the First-tier Tribunal to explore further specific areas where the deployment of judges between the county court and tribunals would enable the proportionate resolution of disputes and the better use of judicial and administrative resources.

14 May 2015
CJC Response to HM Treasury: Insurance Fraud Taskforce: Interim Report

2 March 2015
CJC Response to Ministry of Justice Consultation: Further Reforms to Court Fees

17 February 2015The Civil Justice Council is looking to fill three posts, a barrister member, a member able to represent the interests of employees – possibly from a trade union and a member able to offer experience and expertise in a particular area of civil justice – e.g. housing law. Closing date for these posts is noon 13 April 2015. Application via the Cabinet Office website.

16 February 2015
Online Dispute Resolution for Low Value Civil Claims

16 January 2015
CJC response to Court fees: Proposals for reform – Part 2

12 December 2014
The CJC has published the membership of its new working group on Damages based agreements.

1 December 2014
Summary of Third CJC’s National Forum on Access to Justice for Litigants in Person held on 21 November 2014

20 November 2014
Guidance for the instruction of experts in civil claims 2014
This guidance came into effect on 1 December 2014, and replaced the former Protocol for the instruction of experts to give evidence in civil claims, which was removed from Practice Direction 35 of the Civil Procedure Rules with effect from that date.

10 November 2014
Civil Justice Council News Release: CJC to look at Damages Based Agreements revisions

2 October 2014
CJC response to the CPRC consultation on a Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims

2 October 2014
CJC response to MOJ consultation on Independence in medical reporting and expert accreditation

28 July 2014
The Civil Justice Council Costs Committee report providing recommendations on guideline hourly rates for 2014 has now been published.

25 July 2014
The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce that Andrew Parker has been appointed as a CJC member for a three year term starting on 31 July 2014 as the Solicitor Member of the Civil Justice Council.

23 June 2014
New working group – impact of Jackson reforms

19 June 2014
The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce that William Wood has been appointed as a CJC member for a three year term starting on 1st July 2014 as the Alternative Dispute Resolution Provider Member of the Civil Justice Council.

2 June 2014
Costs Committee: Guideline Hourly Rates

14 May 2014
Impact of the ‘Jackson’ reforms – update

The CJC is please to publish Professor John Peysner’s report ‘Impact of the Jackson reforms: Some Emerging Themes‘, produced as part of the preparation for the event in March 2014 and finalised in the light of discussion at that event.

The CJC’s conference on the impact of the Jackson reforms as the first anniversary of their implementation approaches took place on Friday, 21 March 2014. The Council wishes to thank all of the excellent speakers, as well as the 120 delegates and those who submitted papers in advance – almost 70 papers were received in total.

The Lord Justice Jackson’s paper for the CJC conference 21 March 2014 and the submissions will be published in the coming days. The immediate next steps will be for the CJC to reflect on the event, draw up a list of follow-up activities and discuss Professor Peysner’s final report at its next meeting on 1 May 2014, with a view to its publication very shortly afterwards.

9 May 2014
Civil Justice Council response to Justice Committee inquiry: Impact of changes to civil legal aid under LASPO

25 April 2014

The Civil Justice Council (CJC) has set up a new advisory group, chaired by Professor Richard Susskind OBE, to explore the role that Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) can play in resolving civil disputes.

17 February 2014
The Civil Justice Council is looking to fill two posts, a Solicitor and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Provider by 1st May 2014. Closing date for these posts is 5 March 2014

13 February 2014
The CJC is inviting written papers on the impact on the civil justice system of the ‘Jackson reforms’ on costs and case management by 7 March 2014

11 February 2014
The Civil Justice Council (CJC) has welcomed the recent initiative of the Association of Litigation Funders (ALF) to revise and update its Code of Conduct for Litigation Funders.

Two aspects of the revisions to the Code have particular importance. The capital adequacy obligations placed upon funder members have been notably strengthened, while a new and detailed complaints procedure by which each funder member will agree to be bound has also been developed by the ALF.

The CJC wishes the ALF success in its continued efforts to progress and achieve a successful and robust regime of self-regulation for Litigation Funding in England and Wales.

5 February 2014

24 January 2014
The Civil Justice Council is pleased to announce that Martin Saunders has been appointed as a CJC member for a three year term starting on 1st January 2014 as the insurance industry member.

2 December 2013
Extension to deadline for Costs Survey for New Guideline Hourly Rates is now Thursday 12th December 2013

8 November 2013
CJC Costs Committee – Call for evidence (Guideline Hourly Rates)

6 November 2013
CJC Costs Committee Guideline Hourly Rates Survey 2013

5 November 2013
A triennial review of the Civil Justice Council was launched on 4 November 2013, along with a consultation on the functions of the Council and the way in which those functions are best delivered.

1 November 2013

4 October 2013
Synopsis of third Costs Committee meeting held on 25th July 2013

24 September 2013
The Civil Justice Council is looking to fill a post by 30 January 2014 from the insurance industry with at least 10 years experience of working in a senior practitioner role in the industry. Closing date for this post is 15th October 2013

11 September 2013
The Civil Justice Council are pleased to announce that the following three members have been appointed as CJC members for a three year term starting on 1st October 2013, they are : Matthew Smerdon as the lay representative, Elizabeth Silver as the business representative and John Spencer as the solicitor member.

19 June 2013
Synopsis of second Costs Committee meeting held on 6 June 2013

10 June 2013
CJC response to MOJ consultation on Transforming Legal Aid

24 May 2013
The Civil Justice Council is looking to fill three posts by 24 October 2013, one is a solicitor , one is from the business community , and one lay person with a proven track record and interest in the major issues affecting the civil justice system, such as legal aid, enforcement, costs reforms or housing. Closing date for these posts is: noon on Thursday 13 June 2013.

21 May 2013
CJC response to MOJ consultation paper on Fee Remissions for the Courts and Tribunals

14 May 2013

24 April 2013
The Costs Committee met for the first time on 16 April.

18 April 2013
The Civil Justice Council today publishes its report on the case and options for costs protection in defamation and privacy proceedings. A news release has also been prepared.

The Working Group, which included defamation and costs specialists from a range of interests, was set up in response to a request by Justice Minister Lord McNally to explore the issue ahead of the measures in the Defamation Bill coming into effect.

27 March 2013
The Civil Justice Council has recently published A Guide to Bringing and Defending a Small Claim. The Guide is aimed at litigants in person and works through the process for bringing and defending a small claim. The guide was recommended by a CJC Working Party chaired by Robin Knowles CBE QC, and the report prepared with the particular help of Joanna Otterburn, DJs William Jackson and Margaret Langley and former DJ Gordon Ashton.

8 March 2013
The CJC responded to the Government’s consultation on arrangements concerning whiplash injuries in England and Wales. – The response

26 February 2013
Costs Committee
The CJC is currently drawing together the new Costs Committee membership, which has assumed responsibility for advising the Master of the Rolls on the setting of guideline hourly rates.

1 February 2013
CJC comments to the Government on the proposals regarding judicial review. In particular its support of proposals that increase efficient and effective access to JR at proportionate cost

29 January 2013
CJC response to the Government’s consultation in relation to the extension of the RTA PI scheme and proposals on fixed recoverable costs

22 January 2013
On 30 November 2012, the Civil Justice Council held a National Forum for Implementation of the Report on Access to Justice for Self- Represented Litigants. Over 100 delegates – from across England and Wales and representing a variety of sectors – attended the event in London , which was chaired by Robin Knowles CBE, QC.

14 December 2012
We are pleased to announce the appointments of Rebecca Scott and Christopher Warner as the lay advice sector and consumer affairs representatives (respectively) on the Civil Justice Council for three year terms starting on 1st January 2013.

13 December 2012
The Government has asked the CJC to look in detail at the issue of costs in defamation proceedings, and to report by the end of March 2013. A working group has been formed, chaired by CJC member John Pickering.

31 October 2012
CJC response to MoJ regarding Part 2 of the Legal Aid, Sentencing & Punishment of Offenders (LASPO) Act 2012: Regulations

31 October 2012
Transfer of function to the CJC from the Advisory Committee on Civil Costs
The Government has today issued a Written Ministerial Statement regarding a transfer of an additional function to the CJC in January 2013. The Guideline Hourly Rates (GHR) for solicitors in legal proceedings are set by the Master of the Rolls. The Advisory Committee on Civil Costs (ACCC) was established in 2007 by the Ministry of Justice to provide advice on this and other issues (12 Sep 2007: Col 124WS). I am grateful for the work which the ACCC has carried out since its inception. However, I have decided that the ACCC’s remaining function of advising on the GHR should be transferred to the Civil Justice Council (CJC) from January 2013. I envisage that a sub-committee of the CJC would be established to deal with this issue. The ACCC will be disbanded forthwith, which will reduce the number of advisory bodies. This proposal does not go so far as Sir Rupert Jackson’s recommendation for a Costs Council as the new sub-committee’s standing role will be limited to a review of the GHR; other fixed costs will remain for the Lord Chancellor to consider in the first instance. However, there may be other costs issues on which the Lord Chancellor and Judiciary would welcome advice from the new sub-committee from time to time. I will liaise with the Master of the Rolls, who chairs the CJC, concerning the membership, terms of reference and work to be undertaken by the CJC within the scope of its statutory role of keeping the civil justice system under review.

19 September 2012
His Honour Judge David Grant and District Judge William Jackson were appointed on the 6th September 2012 to the Civil Justice Council for a three year term

29 August 2012
New Chairman from 1 October 2012
Lord Dyson has been appointed as the new Master of the Rolls with effect from 1st October 2012, and automatically becomes Chairman of the Civil Justice Council from the same date. He replaces Lord Neuberger, whio has been appointed as the new President of the UK Supreme Court from 1st October 2012.

2 August 2012
CJC Civil Justice Council’s report on Contingency fees / Damages Based Agreements
Mr Justice Foskett was appointed on 18 July 2012 to the Civil Justice Council for a three year term

26 July 2012
CJC publishes revised guidance on the use of experts witnesses

18 July 2012
Advert to appoint one Lay Advice Sector Practitioner and one Consumer Affairs Expert to the Civil Justice Council

10 July 2012
Civil Justice Council’s report on QOCS (Qualified One Way Costs Shifting)

18 June 2012

24 May 2012
Commissioning note – LASPO Bill This note from the Ministry of Justice formed part of a written Ministerial Statement made on 24 May 2012, and commissions advice from the CJC on qualified one way costs shifting in the light of reforms introduced in the Legal Aid, Sentencing & Punishment of Offenders Act 2012. A CJC working group will be set up to address this urgently.

17 May 2012
Expressions of interest are being sought from serving High Court, Circuit and District Judges to sit on the Civil Justice Council.

May 2012
Craig Budsworth was appointed on 16 April 2012 to the Civil Justice Council for a three year term

16 April 2012
News release: Contingency Fees

7 February 2012
CJC response to MOJ Consultation – Fees in the High Court and Court of Appeal Civil Division CP15/2011

15 December 2011
CJC Publish outcome of Technical Aspects of Jackson Implementation Experts Workshop on 31st October 2011

23 November 2011
CJC Publish Code of Conduct for Litigation Funders

1 November 2011
CJC Publish Report on Access to Justice for Litigants in Person (or self represented litigants)

31 October 2011
News Release: Experts Discuss Civil Costs